Water Resources Applications Software

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Summary of MODFLOW-GUI

       modflow-gui - Preprocessor and postprocessor graphical-user
                     interfaces for preparing MODFLOW-96 and MOC3D input
                     data and viewing model output for use within Argus
                     Open Numerical Environments (Argus ONE)

       MODFLOW-GUI is a graphical preprocessor and postprocessor for the
       U.S. Geological Survey modular, three-dimensional, finite-
       difference, ground-water flow model (MODFLOW-96) and solute-
       transport model (MOC3D).  MODFLOW-GUI is implemented as plug-in
       extensions (PIEs) for use with Argus ONE version 4.1, revision t or
       later.  Although Argus ONE runs on a variety of computing platforms,
       the MODFLOW-GUI PIEs are only available for systems running
       Microsoft Windows 9x or NT.

       Note: The Argus ONE interface only works with MODFLOW-96 and not
             with earlier versions of MODFLOW.

             MODFLOW-GUI supports the following packages:  BAS5, BCF5,
             WEL5, RIV5, DRN5, GHB5, RCH5, EVT5, SOR5, SIP5, PCG2, DE4, and

             The following capabilities are NOT yet supported:  STR1, HFB1,
             CHD1, IBS1, RES1, TLK1, GFD1, and MODPATH.

       Version 2.0 98/07/14 - Addition of MOC3D solute-transport model;
          several cosmetic changes.

       Version 1.41 97/08/12 - Error corrected that occurred when
          considering a confined aquifer and a transient simulation.

       Version 1.4 1997/07/23 - Error corrected in export of storativity
          for confined aquifers and in export of information for time-
          variable and steady stresses.  Specific data files can be
          exported.  Selected geospatial information is checked for errors
          upon exporting.

       Version 1.3 1997/06/02 - Error corrected in export of vertical
          conductance.  Problem corrected in postprocessing three-
          dimensional surfaces.

       Version 1.2 1997/05/13 - Error corrected in handling of "unconfined"
          geologic units and in export of wetting threshold for
          "unconfined" and "convertible" geologic units.

       Version 1.1 1997/04/18 - Error corrected in handling of
          "convertible" geologic units.  Problem with real-value input
          fields corrected.  Units corrected in layer menu.  Default values
          in Misc. Controls and PCG Solver dialog boxes changed.

       Version 1.0 1997/03/14 - Initial release.

       In order to use MODFLOW-96, initial conditions, hydraulic
       properties, and stresses must be specified for every model cell in
       the finite-difference grid.

       Output produced by the MODFLOW-GUI preprocessor is a complete set of
       files for use with MODFLOW-96 and MOC3D.

       MODFLOW-GUI is compiled for use with Argus ONE version 4.1, revision
       t or later, on personal computers running Microsoft Windows 9x or

       Shapiro, A.M., Margolin, J., Dolev, S., and Ben-Israel, Y., 1997, A
          graphical-user interface for the U.S. Geological Survey modular
          three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model
          (MODFLOW-96) using Argus Numerical Environments: U.S. Geological
          Survey Open-File Report 97-121, 50 p.

       Hornberger, G.Z., and Konikow, L.F., 1998, Addition of MOC3D solute-
          transport capability to the U.S. Geological Survey MODFLOW-96
          graphical-user interface using Argus Open Numerical Environments:
          U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-188, 30 p.

       Harbaugh, A.W., and McDonald, M.G., 1996, User's documentation for
          MODFLOW-96, an update to the U.S. Geological Survey modular
          finite-difference ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey
          Open-File Report 96-485, 56 p.

       McDonald, M.G., and Harbaugh, A.W., 1988, A modular three-
          dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model: U.S.
          Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations,
          book 6, chap. A1, 586 p.

       Konikow, L.F., Goode, D.J., and Hornberger, G.Z., 1996, A three-
          dimensional method-of-characteristics solute-transport model
          (MOC3D):  U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations
          Report 96-4267, 87 p.

       Operation and distribution:
          U.S. Geological Survey
          Hydrologic Analysis Software Support Program
          437 National Center
          Reston, VA 20192

       Official versions of U.S. Geological Survey water-resources analysis
       software are available for electronic retrieval via the World Wide
       Web (WWW) at:

       and via anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP) from:

         (path: /pub/software).

       The WWW page and anonymous FTP directory from which the MODFLOW-GUI
       software can be retrieved are, respectively:


       If you would like to obtain the price of and (or) order paper copies
       of USGS reports, contact the USGS Branch of Information Services at:

                  USGS Information Services
                  Box 25286
                  Denver Federal Center
                  Denver, CO 80225

       To inquire about Open-File Reports or Water-Resources Investigations
                  Tel: 303-202-4200; Fax 303-202-4695

       To inquire about other USGS reports:
                  Tel: 303-202-4700; Fax 303-202-4693

       modflw96(1) - Modular three-dimensional finite-difference
                     ground-water flow model
       moc3d(1) - Three-dimensional method-of-characteristics
                  ground-water flow and transport model

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