Reference Lists The HYDROML contains many codes that describe an condition and type of item. These codes are contained in reference lists which are contained in the United States Geological Survey's National Water Information System's data base. Listed below are the reference lists with names and definitions of all of the codes used.
Name | HTML Document | Description | XML File Name |
Method of Determination of Accuracy | List | Method for determining accuracy (or uncertainty) | AccuracyCodeList.xml |
ADAPS Site Type | List | ADAPS site code. Indicates whether the site is slope-affected, index velocity, a structure like a dam, etc. | AdSiteList.xml |
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Frequency | List | A reference table for codes that describe the frequencies used by a Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) meter used for stream discharge measurements. | AdcpFrequencyList.xml |
ADCP Area Computation Method | List | A reference table for codes that describe the area computation methods for a Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) stream discharge measurement. | AreaComputationMethodList.xml |
Stream Base Flow | List | A reference table for codes that describe if the streamflow is base flow or not. | BaseFlowList.xml |
ADCP Bottom Estimate Method | List | Code indicating method used for bottom estimate | BottomEstimateList.xml |
Bottom Mode | List | Mode used for bottom tracking | BottomModeList.xml |
Calibration Type | List | Code indicating whether the reading is for calibration or recalibration | CalibrationCodeList.xml |
Stream Channel Evenness Types | List | Not Available | ChannelEvennessList.xml |
Stream Channel Material Types | List | Not Available | ChannelMaterialList.xml |
Stream Channel Stability Types | List | Not Available | ChannelStabilityList.xml |
QW Monitor Check Reading Time Code | List | A code indicating if the check reading was before or after cleaning or after calibration (final) | CheckReadingCodeList.xml |
Specific Conductance Standard Type | List | The type of the specific conductance standard, KCl or NaCl | ConductanceStandardList.xml |
Stream Control Cleaning | List | A reference table for codes that describe the whether the streamflow control section was cleaned. | ControlCleanedList.xml |
Stream Control Conditions | List | A reference table for codes that describe the condition of the streamflow control section. | ControlConditionsList.xml |
Stream Control Description | List | A reference table for codes that describe the state of the streamflow control section. | ControlDescriptionList.xml |
Crest stage gage Insection Read | List | A reference table for codes that indicate if a reading of the crest-stage gage intake was done. | CrestStageGageInspectionReadList.xml |
Cross Section Survey Method | List | Code indicating the cross section survey method (parameter code 82398) | CrossSectionSurveyMethodList.xml |
Current Meter Location Inspection Performed | List | Code indicating the location of the velocity meter inspection (office, field, etc.) | CurrentMeterInspectionLocationList.xml |
Current Meter Suspension | List | A reference table for codes that describe the types of velocity meter suspensions. | CurrentMeterSuspensionList.xml |
Data Aging Status | List | The reference table containing the codes, names, and descriptions of the valid phases of the data aging process. | DataAgingList.xml |
Desiccant Condition | List | Code indicating the condition of the desiccant | DesiccantConditionList.xml |
Stream Discharge Measurement Adjustment | List | Discharge code. The code describing the method of adjustment for the discharge value. | DischargeMeasurementAdjustmentList.xml |
Stream Discharge Measurement Quality | List | The reference table containing the codes, names, and descriptions of the valid stream discharge measurement quality qualifiers. | DischargeMeasurementQualityList.xml |
Discharge Measurement Type | List | The code identifying a stream discharge measurement type (wading, bridge, ice, boat, etc.) | DischargeMeasurementTypeList.xml |
Dissolved Oxygen Reading Type | List | A code indicating the type of dissolved oxygen reading, saturated air, saturated water, etc. | DissolvedOxygenReadingList.xml |
DST Period | List | Not Available | DstPeriodList.xml |
Equipment Types | List | Not Available | EquipmentCodeList.xml |
Type of Estimated Velocity | List | A reference table for codes that describe the origin of the estimated velocity. | EstimatedVelocityList.xml |
Gage Measurement Point | List | The reference table containing the codes, names, and descriptions of the valid gage measurement points.gage_mp_cd | GageMeasurementPointCodeList.xml |
Relative Location from Gage | List | Code indicating the location of the control in effect for the discharge measurement relative to the gage. | GageRelativeLocationList.xml |
Manometer Gas System | List | Code indicating type of gas system | GasSystemList.xml |
Stream Horizontal Flow Distribution | List | The code identifying the horizontal flow distribution in the stream cross-section. That is, whether the flow is evenly or unevenly distributed bank to bank | HorizontalFlowDistributionList.xml |
Intake Hole Condition | List | The code indicating the condition of the crest-stage gage intake holes. | IntakeHoleConditionList.xml |
Intake Serviced | List | A reference table for codes that describe the type of servicing of a water level intake. | IntakeServicedList.xml |
Magnetic Variation Determination Method | List | Code for method of determining magetic variation | MagneticVariationList.xml |
Streamflow Measured Discharge Methods | List | null | MeasuredDischargeMethodList.xml |
Method | List | null | MethodList.xml |
Method Type | List | null | MethodTypeList.xml |
ADCP Navigation Method | List | A reference table for codes that describe the navigation method for an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) discharge measurement. | NavigationMethodList.xml |
Orifice Serviced | List | A reference table for codes that describe the type of servicing of a bubbler gage orifice. | OrificeServicedList.xml |
QW Monitor Check Reading Time Code | List | Code indicating the condition of the stage at the time of the qw monitor inspection | QwMonitorStageConditionList.xml |
QW Remark Codes | List | Not Available | QwRemarkList.xml |
Streamflow Stage Methods | List | null | StageMethodList.xml |
Measurement Starting Point | List | A reference table for codes that describe the type of starting point | StartPointList.xml |
Quality of Stream Mixing | List | Code indicating the quality of the stream mixing | StreamMixingList.xml |
Type of Suspension Weight Used | List | The code describing the type and size of suspension weight | SuspensionWeightList.xml |
Time Datum | List | Not Available | TimeDatumList.xml |
Time Zone | List | Time zone offset. An ANSI SQL/92 time zone offset string. Some examples are '-07:00' (Eastern), '+02:00' (Eastern Europe), and '+03:30' (India). | TimeZoneList.xml |
ADCP Top Estimate Method | List | Code indicating method used for top estimate | TopEstimateList.xml |
Turbidity Standard Type | List | A code indicating the type of turbidity standard being used, formazin, polymer bead, etc. | TurbidityStandardList.xml |
Method of Determining Uncertainty | List | Code indicating the method of determining uncertainty | UncertaintyCodeList.xml |
Velocity Distribution | List | Not Available | VelocityDistributionList.xml |
Streamflow Velocity Methods | List | null | VelocityMethodList.xml |
Stream Velocity Observation | List | A reference table for codes that describe the types of velocity observations for a stream discharge measurement. | VelocityObservationList.xml |
Vent Hole Condition | List | A reference table for codes that describe the condition of the vent holes for a crest-stage gage. | VentHoleConditionList.xml |
Vertical Velocity Distribution | List | Not Available | VerticalVelocityDistributionList.xml |
Volumetric Units | List | Volumetric Units for SiteVisit Volumetric Measurements | VolumetricUnitsList.xml |
ADCP Water Mode | List | The water mode is a number used with ADCP's made by RD Instruments to indicate the method used to collect water velocity profiles. The possible values are 1, 5, 8, and 11. | WaterModeList.xml |
Wiper cleaned and changed codes | List | Not Available | WiperList.xml |