1. Reference for the subject report: Gómez-Fragoso, Julieta, and Torres-Sierra, Heriberto, 2015, Dam failure analysis for the Lago El Guineo Dam, Orocovis, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5070, [also available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/sir20165070] Spatial data of dam failure analysis for the Lago El Guineo Dam, Orocovis, Puerto Rico is available in sciencebase system also available at https://dx.doi.org/10.5066/F72V2D7Q) 2. Description of Model Archive Folder: This archive folders contain the files of the models used for the dam failure analysis of the Lago Guineo dam, Orocovis, Puerto Rico. The analysis consisted of a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to assess the potential hazard to human life and property associated with the hypothetical failure of the Lago El Guineo Dam. The Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) and Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) computer programs, developed by the the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, were used for the hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, respectively. The Model Archive Folder contains four subfolders named: GIS files, Model files, Other files, and Source Code and Executables. The GIS files subfolder contains geospatial data including the watersheds delineation used as input data for the hydrologic modeling in HEC-HMS. An excel file containing the total area per each land cover descriptor within the watersheds is also available in GIS files subfolder Subbfolder named Model files includes both HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS model files, each one in separated subfolders. The HEC-HMS subfolder includes the hydrologic scenarios (identified by the Plan Simulation Name in HEC-RAS) of 6-hour probable maximum precipitation event, 24-hour 100-year recurrence rainfall event, and 24-hour probable maximum precipitation event (folders named as Guineo_6_PMP_dams, Guineo_100_24_dams, and Guineo_24_PMP_dams, respectively). The following table summarize the scenarios modeled using HEC-HMS software. Table 1. HEC-HMS models Subfolder name Simulation name in HEC-HMS Guineo_6_PMP_dams 6-hr PMP Guineo_100_24_dams 24-hr 100-yr Guineo_24_PMP_dams 24-hr PMP The subfolder named as HEC-RAS has three subfolders named: Rio Grande de Manati lower reach, Rio Toro Negro lower reach, and Rio Toro Negro upper reach. Each subfolder corresponds to the hydraulic system simulated in HEC-RAS model (refer to fig. 5 on report, also available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/sir20165070). Geometric data used to defined the hydraulic system named as Rio Grande de Manati lower reach was obtained from Flood Insurance Study (Federal Emergency Management, 2009; Carmen Delgado, written commun., 2014) for the Río Grande de Manatí hydrographic basin. The following table summarize the scenarios modeled using HEC-RAS software Table 2. Plans simulated using HEC-RAS model Subfolder name Plan simulation name in HEC-RAS Model output Remark Rio Toro Negro Upper Reach hotstart Elevation Initial simulation used to avoid model instability. 6 hr_PMP_ PP* Elevation and Flow Simulation of 6-hour probable maximum precipitation event 24 hr_PMP* Elevation and Flow Simulation of 24-hour probable maximum precipitation event 100-yr 24-hr* Elevation and Flow Simulation of 24-hour 100-year recurrence rainfall event Sunny day* Elevation and Flow Simulation of dam failure with no precipitation. 6 hr PMP_PP1 Elevation and Flow Simulation of 6-hour probable maximum precipitation event (Part of sensitivity analysis). No flood mapping is available. Further description is included in report. 6 hr PMP_PP2 Elevation and Flow Simulation of 6-hour probable maximum precipitation event (Part of sensitivity analysis). No flood mapping is available. Further description is included in report. 6 hr PMP_PP3 Elevation and Flow Simulation of 6-hour probable maximum precipitation event (Part of sensitivity analysis). No flood mapping is available. Further description is included in report. 6 hr PMP_PP4 Elevation and Flow Simulation of 6-hour probable maximum precipitation event (Part of sensitivity analysis). No flood mapping is available. Further description is included in report. Rio Toro Negro Lower Reach 6 hr_PMP Elevation and Flow Simulation of 6-hour probable maximum precipitation event 24 hr_PMP Elevation and Flow Simulation of 24-hour probable maximum precipitation event 100-yr 24-hr Elevation and Flow Simulation of 24-hour 100-year recurrence rainfall event Sunny day Elevation and Flow Simulation of dam failure with no precipitation. hotstart Elevation Initial simulation used to avoid model instability. Rio Grande de Manatí 6 hr_PMP Elevation and Flow Simulation of 6-hour probable maximum precipitation event 24 hr_PMP Elevation and Flow Simulation of 24-hour probable maximum precipitation event 100-yr 24-hr Elevation and Flow Simulation of 24-hour 100-year recurrence rainfall event Sunny day Elevation and Flow Simulation of dam failure with no precipitation. hotstart Elevation Initial simulation used to avoid model instability. The subfolder named Other files contains the input data of precipitation depths included in HEC-HMS model. A separated pdf-format file was created per each subbasin analyzed within the Rio Grande de Manatí hydrographic basin (e.g., Atlas 14-sub-1). Precipitation depths were obtained through the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14, also available at http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_map_pr.html. 3. Source Code and Executables: The subfolder named as Source and Executables contains the software used to do the data analysis in this data release. Each source code must be installed on your local computer prior to running model simulations. Software versions: Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS), version 3.5. Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC-RAS), version 4.1.0. 4. Instructions for running HEC-HMS simulation: 5. The following section provides a general description of the procedure to open and run HEC-HMS model. For further information regarding the procedure to run HEC-HMS model, the user’s manual for the software is available in Source code and Executables. a. Open HEC-HMS 3.5 software using HEC-HMS.exe. Under File menu, select Open project. Click on Browse and look for the desired hydrologic simulation (e.g., \SW_HEC\Model files\HEC-HMS\Guieno_6_PMP_dams). Select the hms-format file among the files included in the subfolder. b. Under Compute menu, click on Select Run and select the available hydrologic simulation (e. g., 6-hr PMP). c. Several files/directories are automatically made by the HEC-HMS program 6. Instructions for running HEC-RAS simulation: The following section provides a general description of the procedure to open and run HEC-RAS model. For further information regarding the procedure to run HEC-RAS model, the user’s manual for the software is available in Source code and Executables . a. Open HEC-RAS 4.1.0 software using ras.exe. Under File menu, select Open project. Browse the list of files on the right, and select the desired hydraulic system to run ((e.g., \SW_HEC\Model files\Rio Grande de Manati lower reach). b. Under Run, click on Unsteady Flow. Select the desired plan simulation name (refer to table 2) and run the model. 7. Local coordinate system This data release involves three components: Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) and Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) computer programs, developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the spatial data for the dam failure analysis conducted using the aforementioned models. Both models were developed using a local coordinate system which is U.S customary systems and non-georeferenced. The results obtained from HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS models were processed using geographic information system tools and converted to the International System of Units (SI). Further information is available in metadata included in GIS file.zip and ScienceBase (also available at: https://dx.doi.org/10.5066/F72V2D7Q).